Who are we

Astronomy Ireland

Astronomy Ireland is a non profit organisation and the largest national astronomy club in the world relative to population and we publish a full-colour 48-page magazine that is posted directly to members every month. It was founded in 1990 and quickly grew to be the most popular astronomy society in the world as we encourage all 7 million people on the island to get our monthly magazine, weekly email, and more.


Astronomy Ireland is a 32 county organisation for members of the public who have a fascination with space. Founded in 1990 it quickly grew to be the most popular astronomy society in the world. The society caters especially for beginners and members of the general public.

It publishes Ireland’s only astronomy magazine every month, at a ‘popular level’

Online talks for those with no background in science are given online every month by experts in their field.

Each August the society holds Ireland’s biggest annual star party for the public called “Star-B-Q”, a barbecue under the stars in the dark skies of Co.Wicklow with Ireland’s biggest telescopes, talks, exhibits and craic.

School talks

100s of media interviews each year on radio and television.

As our founder and chairman David Moore says:

“If you have NO interest in astronomy or space then YOU are the person we set up Astronomy Ireland for! And you should join now as you are missing out on so much in the universe!

Our aim is to promote astronomy, space interest and education in Ireland. We achieve this aim by holding talks, lectures, observing sessions and other events nationwide, and through our magazine called Astronomy Ireland. The magazine includes, amongst other things, news, letters, book reviews, reader’s photo gallery and details on what to see in the sky during the month. Membership also entitles you to concession rate admittance to our public lectures. In addition, members can attend telescope nights on clear Friday and Saturday evenings. You do not need to own a telescope to be a member, everybody is welcome to join.

We also run Astronomy Courses for Beginners twice per year in various locations throughout the country. Members are entitled to a discount on the course fee.


Telescopes, Books and Equipment