Astrophysics underground


Presented on ZOOM  July 10 @ 7pm

Searching for Dark Matter

This talk will concentrate on searches for dark matter particles at the LHC at CERN in Geneva and at the LUX-ZEPLIN dark matter experiment in South Dakota, USA.  The talk that I might give on this subject will be focused more on the identity of dark matter, and how we go about seeking it, rather than the underlying astrophysics and cosmology.

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Presented on ZOOM July 10 at 7pm



Searching for Dark Matter

Our speaker writes:  This talk will concentrate on searches for dark matter particles at the LHC at CERN in Geneva and at the LUX-ZEPLIN dark matter experiment in South Dakota, USA.  The talk that I might give on this subject will be focused more on the identity of dark matter, and how we go about seeking it, rather than the underlying astrophysics and cosmology.



Prof. Dan Tovey

Prof. Dan Tovey is a professor of particle physics at the University of Sheffield in the UK. In terms of ATLAS physics analysis he is interested in searches for new physics predicted by supersymmetry (SUSY) theory, and in methods for measuring the properties of particles decaying to dark matter or neutrinos. He is also interested in new ideas for reconstructing ATLAS data using particle flow techniques. At various points he has been convener of the ATLAS SUSY working group, Principle Investigator for ATLAS-UK, and ATLAS Physics Coordinator.

Research interests

  • Supersymmetry searches with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC
  • ATLAS Upgrade ITk project


  • ATLAS Upgrade
  • LHCDMTOP: Novel Dark Matter Searches with Top Quarks at the Large Hadron Collider





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