Beginners Evening Classes 2023 Enrolling NOW


Promotional video HERE

You can join any time Oct.24 to Dec.12 and get recordings of classes you missed AND repeat the entire 8 weeks in January FREE OF CHARGE, so sign up today.

This course is suitable for beginners.  If you are a non member we will automatically enroll you as a member for a year. The classes will be delivered online over the Zoom platform.


Please ensure that the email you use for booking is correct as this is the address to which the zoom links will be sent.

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Suitable for beginners.  If you are a non member we will automatically enroll you as a member for a year.  The classes will be delivered on the Zoom platform.

Join now and repeat all 8 classes when they run again in January/February 2024.

The classes are suitable for young and old alike. No knowledge of astronomy, science or maths is needed.

Astronomy Ireland is the world’s most popular astronomy society.

It has been running evening courses for beginners for many years. Thousands of people have taken these courses since then, making them by far Ireland’s most popular astronomy classes.

Everyone is welcome to the course whether you are a member of Astronomy Ireland or not, in fact if you are not a member we will make you a member by including a subscription to Astronomy Ireland magazine so that you will be kept up to date after the classes with all the latest developments in space.

The course erolling now runs for 8 consecutive weeks for 2 hours starting at 7PM. This course is suitable for young and old alike. No knowledge of astronomy, science or maths is needed. You can just sit back and enjoy the 8 classes.


Course Content

The course is given over a period of 8 weeks and covers the following topics.


Introduction to the Night Sky

Find out about the night sky and many amazing sights such as the Milky Way

Astronomy Ireland
The image to the below shows the Milky Way.

It is so large it takes light about 100,000 years to cross it. Earth is about 25,000 light-years from the centre of the Milky Way.


The Sun and the Moon  

Learn about the Sun and the Moon; their history, how they affect us here on Earth and how they interact during an eclipse.

Solar Eclipse

The image to the right was taken during the 2008 solar eclipse that was visible over Russia.

The Planets and Stars

Learn about the planets that make up our Solar System, and how other stars compare to the Sun


The History of Astronomy

Learn how astronomy has been studied through history by people including the builders of Newgrange


Newgrange is over 5,000 years old, making it older than both Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid of Giza! Every winter, on the morning of the shortest day, the rising sun shines directly into the passage leading to the tomb in the centre.


Learn how to set up and use a telescope yourself

Deep Sky Objects

Space is big, really big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is.   – Douglas Adams- Take the chance to find out for yourself just how much Douglas Adams got things right when he said that.


Deep Space


Learn about cosmology, the history and the fate of the universe.

Big Bang

Exoplanets and the search for life beyond Earth

Learn about the search for new planets beyond our Solar Systems and the life that we might find there.


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