“Ten Ways The Universe Tries To Kill You”


Presented on ZOOM 10th October 2023 at 7pm



From gamma-ray bursts to asteroid impacts, an overview of cataclysmic events. This light-hearted but scientifically robust approach incorporates a lot of fundamental cosmological processes, from stellar evolution to galactic interaction. It is appropriate for both beginning and intermediate amateur astronomers.

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Presented on ZOOM 10th October 2023 at 7pm



From gamma-ray bursts to asteroid impacts, an overview of cataclysmic events. This light-hearted but scientifically robust approach incorporates a lot of fundamental cosmological processes, from stellar evolution to galactic interaction. It is appropriate for both beginning and intermediate amateur astronomers.



I am a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society and have authored many articles and several books on practical aspects of astronomy. I taught astronomy to adults and children for more than 40 years. I am the Dark Skies Adviser to both the Federation of Astronomical Societies and the International Dark Sky Reserve on the Cranborne Chase AONB, and split my time between these and doing astronomical outreach. As well as astronomical societies in Britain and abroad, I frequently speak to Rotary and Probus clubs, U3A groups, and schools/youth organisations. I volunteer as a STEM ambassador, and have a monthly column in BBC Sky at Night Magazine, for which I also write equipment and book reviews.



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