We’re going to Mars – bar the shouting


Presented on ZOOM 8th May @ 7pm

We’re going to Mars -bar the shouting!

In the next couple of decades humans will set foot on Mars.  For us on this planet it will be a monumental journey!  We have never ventured as far from the safety net that is Earth.

What medical challenges will those first pioneers encounter on this hazardous journey and what steps can they take to mitigate against sickness and injury.


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Presented on ZOOM 8th May at 7pm



We’re going to Mars -bar the shouting!

In the next couple of decades humans will set foot on Mars.  For us on this planet it will be a monumental journey!  We have never ventured as far from the safety net that is Earth.

What medical challenges will those first pioneers encounter on this hazardous journey and what steps can they take to mitigate against sickness and injury.




Dr Martin Braddock is a professional scientist and project manager working in the field of drug discovery and development with 36 years’ experience of working in academic institutes and large corporate organisations. He holds a BSc in Biochemistry and a PhD in Radiation Biology (from the Radiation Biology Unit, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell Oxfordshire), is a former Royal Society University Research Fellow at the University of Oxford.





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