Cr. Trevor Quinn Photography

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Saturn will be the Star Attraction

Or call us on 086 06 46 555


‘Star-B-Q’ is Ireland’s biggest annual TELESCOPE FESTIVAL for the general public (and Astronomy Ireland’s biggest annual fundraiser).

FAMILY FRIENDLY TELESCOPE FESTIVAL: All ages welcome Something for the whole family! Learn the constellations, get advice on your telescope and take part in our space themed arts and crafts “creation station”.

LARGE TELESCOPES: You will get to see the WONDERS OF THE UNIVERSE from the dark skies of Roundwood in Co. Wicklow (MAP), Ireland’s highest village, with some of the most powerful telescopes in Ireland!
(This is an event unique to Ireland, visitors from abroad are welcome too!)

LOTS TO SEE IN VERY DARK SKIES: learn the constellations when pointed out with Ireland’s most powerful hand-held laser (40km beam!), binocular classes (also with the laser.)

CLEAR SKY GUARANTEE: There is no way we are going to let the Irish weather deny you a view of the wonders of the universe and we have always given Star-B-Qers the views we promised every year since 1992, so YOU WILL see the Wonders of the Universe – WE GUARANTEE IT!
If the sky is overcast on the night, a separate, telescope-only event will be organized for the following weekend (when a clear sky is forecast)
This way we can GUARANTEE you a view of the wonders of the universe! So keep the following weekend(s) free to be certain of a view of the universe that very few people in the world will ever get.

BARBECUE: A professionally catered barbecue will be served up earlier on in the evening. You can enjoy some fantastic barbecued food (vegetarian option available – let us know by saying so in the comments box when you book) with side salads and soft drinks.

GREAT TALKS: There are also TALKS (aimed at the public, no knowledge of science needed).

ESA Astronaut Rosemary Coogan

Astronomy Ireland Magazine Editor David Moore ‘The Universe’

Astronomy Ireland Contributor Tony Ryan ‘Eclipses’

LOTS TO SEE IN THE HALL: display, trade stands, advice, magazine.

Amazing Talks on the night

Book early to avoid disappointment!

Call us on 086 06 46 555 for bookings over the phone or email us at for any queries.

EXCEPTIONAL NOTES: Star-B-Q is mainly a standing event. There will be a few hundred seats for those who wish to sit for the 20 – 30 minute talks.

We do not post out tickets. Please bring along your confirmation with you on the night as your E-Ticket.


What happens if the sky's aren't clear?
Star-B-Q 2024 goes ahead regardless of weather on Saturday 31st August 2024. There is no way we are going to let the Irish weather deny you a view of the wonders of the universe and we have always given Star-B-Qers the views we promised every year since 1992, so YOU WILL see the Wonders of the Universe – WE GUARANTEE IT!
If the sky is overcast on the night, a separate, telescope-only event will be organized for the following weekend (when a clear sky is forecast)
This way we can GUARANTEE you a view of the wonders of the universe! So keep the following weekend(s) free to be certain of a view of the universe that very few people in the world will ever get.
The night is packed full of events to ensure that everyone has a great time, and we even have a number of backup talks and presentations planned in case the weather stops us seeing the sky.

Can I bring my dog ?
No unfortunately we only allow assistance dogs.

Can i get a refund?
Tickets are non refundable.

Who is Star-B-Q for?
Everybody! No knowledge of science or astronomy is required to attend the event.
It is ideal for beginners, family, budding astronomers and scientists alike!

When will I receive my ticket?
In order to keep costs lower we do not send out tickets. You should receive a confirmation email after you book. Your name and amount of tickets are added to a list and you will be checked in at the gate.

What time does Star-B-Q start?
We will post exact details closer to the time. We will also send you an email with exact details a few days before.

Is it wheelchair accessible? and are most of the activities conducted indoors or outdoors?
Yes weather permitting. There is a grassy ramp up to the pitch which is suitable for wheelchair use, however, last year it had rained so heavily in the days leading up to the event that it was very muddy. We had one participant in a wheelchair but he was happy enough on the day despite the muddy wheels. Our activities on the day will include both indoor and outdoor activities.
If you plan to book please let us know so we can keep a parking space for you as there are no clearly defined spaces for disabled parking.
Also, please note that we have a reduced rate for carers who come to assist. The carers rate is €25. This discount is to recognise the hard work carers do and their commitment to their duties.

Where is it?
Its in the GAA grounds, which are located just a couple of hundred metres outside Roundwood village on the R755.
Eircode A98V2W5

Can I get public transport?
St. Kevin’s Bus service goes from opposite the Mansion House on Dawson St. to Roundwood. Fares and times are listed on their website.

Can we camp?
Not on the GAA grounds but we recommend Roundwood Caravan and Camping Park if you decide to make a night of it!
Stay with tents, motorhomes, and caravans. Phone or email them at (01) 281 8163 or
Alternatively there are a number of B&Bs in the area.